Magic Reader 63 The Joker (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 6 (2500 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 63
월드컴 / 2007년 7월
평점 :

The Joker

written by Bill Condon / illustrated by Craig Smith

1. The next day he arrived at school early to put a whoopee cushion on Natasha Hale's Chair.
2. Mr. Philpot marched over to her desk.  He looked furious.  But the kids couldn't stop giggling.
3. "Who brought this to school?" he barked, harrowing his eyes and peering around the classroom.
4. At recess Tony dragged his friends, David, Cory, and Suzanne over to a shady tree, pointing up into its branches, he said, "There's abrand new baseball up there.  If you can get it, it's yours"
5. Laughing hysteri cally, Tony picked up the 'Snake' and wiggled it in front of them.  "It's a rubber snake!"  Tony cried. "You got scared by a piece of rubber.  That is so funny?"
6. But, by the time he arrived at school the next day, Tony had a plan.  He hung around the principal's office until he sawher leave.  Quickly ducking inside the office, he left a note over to her desk.

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