Magic Tree House #21 : Civil War on Sunday (Paperback + CD) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 54
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2003년 4월
평점 :

Today Jack and Annie are going to Civil War.  Before than, they See Morgan's note.  That said,  " Dear Jack and Annie, Domelot is in trouble.  To save the kingdom, please find these four special kinds of writing for my library : something to follow.  something to send  something to learn something to lend   Thank you, Morgan.  

And they go to.  And they see soilders.  They are north. (noisn.)  And they are going to north's tent.  And they see nurse.  And they help soiders.  And they meet Clara Barton.  And they meet drummer boy.  His name is John.   And they help more.  And they have a misson.  And the return to home.  They asked to dad "Did anyone in ourfamily fight in the Civil War?"  And dad said " Yes, he is drummer boy, his name is John...!"   Annie and Jack are surprized(gasped) 

이런! 감동적인! 이야기~ 재미있었지!  나도 놀랐지!

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