Magic Tree House #18 : Buffalo Before Breakfast (Paperback + CD) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 51
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2003년 4월
평점 :

Jack, and Annie are know today is grandmother comming day.  But!  they teddy.  So they know afterdance to misson. 

This little dog is under a spell and needs your help.  To free him, you must be given for special things :  

 A gift from a ship lost at sea, A gift from the prairie blue, A gift from a forest far away.  A gift from a kangaroo.  Be brave. Be wise.  Be careful. 

So.... they going to Indian's Country "La Kota".  They meet "Black Hawk"  He is Indian.  And his parent die, so, he have a grandmother.  They going to with Black hawk to buffalos.  Many buffalos are live.  Black Hawk is hung one buffalo,  Annie and Jack dissuade him, but he didn't hear that and Jack save him.  So grandmother give a eagle's feather.  Jack and Annie smile.  Because that is a "A gift from the  prairie blue".  So they part for Indians.  And they meet grandma. ㅋㅋ

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