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My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 1
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 4월
평점 :

I think this story was very good. Because teacher and other school's friend was very good.  

this story's very good. The other friends were very good they are going to school today. today is school's day. This children was same class. Teacher's name is mrs. Kathy. she is very good teacher, and for children kind. and class is the end. One day, other children see the president talking and president said world is changed, so children were this talk remembered. and time was go, The other friend's the end elemantary school. suddenly end school's sign is burn. and kathy teacher is no come back school's out. so friends go inside school. They are help teacher and she out to school president said "end school is continue!" and end the schools teacher and friends said bye-bye and The other friends go middle school 

I think school teacher and friends was very good friend. friends were very prove me too, become prove help teacher and other neighbors  So i will become helper.

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Teddy Roosevelt and the Treasure of Ursa Major (Paperback, Reprint)
The Kennedy Center / Simon & Schuster / 2011년 1월
평점 :

teddy roosvelt is great president saw his life commande theodore roosevelt as led his soldiers up the mountainside. It was July 1898. the commander and his men were in the mountains of cuba. the commander and his men were in the mountains of cuba. the air was hot and sticky. they were surrounded by snakes and insects. but the commander and his men did not mind. they were strong and sure of themselves. but teddy roosevelt, as he was known, was not always so strong theodore roosvelt, the second of four childre, was a weak little baby and sufferde from poor health all through his childhood. 


surronded:에워싸다,둘러싸다.영영:enclose on all encircle

suffered:~에 견디다.  영영:endure put up with tolerate

asthma:천식  영영: sick

though:~이긴 하지만  영영: not with standing in spite of

trademark:상표  영영: own mark or themselves mark

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Fighting Fire: Trucks, Tools, and Tactics (Hardcover)
Larry Shapiro / Motorbooks Intl / 2008년 9월
평점 :

i like this fighting fires book because this book about fire somedays i grow up would a firefighter and this story start!! fire is burn pumper trucks carry water,hoses,and a pump. In just one minite, pumpers can shoot out 1,250 gallonsof water that's enough water to fill 50 bathtubs. many pumper trucks also make bubbly foam thats put oil fire some pumper trucks carry a long crane a boom firefighters stand insid a large bucket and are raised 100 feet into the air to pump water or foam on a fire Ladder trucks hlp rescue people who are trapped inside burning buildings. very,very fun reading this book bye bye~~~ 


pumper: 펌프 사용자  영영사전:pumper use human

boom:굉음  영영사전:if a ecomy or a buessness boom

trap:올가미  영영사전: if a person trap animals and bird

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Buck and His Truck (Paperback + Audio CD 1장) - Starters 제이와이 리딩강 챕터북 Starter 5
비비안 프렌치 지음, Julie Lacome 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2008년 9월
평점 :

I like a this book this book is buck and his friend is buy a new truck. one day a buck is had a new job he is happy but he is had misson he's mission is moved the boxes is and on other days he moverd the tables ad chair once he moved then pigs but he still didn't have enough money for a smart little van and larry he is moved four black-and-cows but he still didn't have enough money for a smart5 little van two man is greatest truck fight. 








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Cup Run (Paperback + Audio CD 1장) - Starters 제이와이 리딩강 챕터북 Starter 6
마틴 워델 지음, 러셀 아요토 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2008년 9월
평점 :

I think this soccer club is very well captan is jacthon D. he is a very good soccer player. the other player is very good too. the first  match is named League cup team name is Belt goalbuster vs good goalmaster he is goal is 3-0 win and seecond match is youth club he is named like very speedy players very nervous so youth team goal in so now is 1-0 and half-time and second-turn players are very fast so goal belt goalbuster team is 1-2 winners and last 6th champion star villge so the team 3-2 wins!!! so the team is 1st champion.... 


league:경기 연맹  영영사전:group of people fight

holt:잠목림   영영사전:harold Edward

keeper:골기퍼  영영사전:in football keeper is as same goalkeeper

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