My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 1
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 4월
평점 :

I think this story was very good. Because teacher and other school's friend was very good.  

this story's very good. The other friends were very good they are going to school today. today is school's day. This children was same class. Teacher's name is mrs. Kathy. she is very good teacher, and for children kind. and class is the end. One day, other children see the president talking and president said world is changed, so children were this talk remembered. and time was go, The other friend's the end elemantary school. suddenly end school's sign is burn. and kathy teacher is no come back school's out. so friends go inside school. They are help teacher and she out to school president said "end school is continue!" and end the schools teacher and friends said bye-bye and The other friends go middle school 

I think school teacher and friends was very good friend. friends were very prove me too, become prove help teacher and other neighbors  So i will become helper.

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