The Case of the Bad Seed (Paperback) Pageturners 1
Schraff, Anne E. 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2009년 9월
평점 :

I read "The case of the bad seed" It is very good story It is give good moral. so we are read this book.

They are that plant seed kind of trees. So friends plant seeds and after 5 years, They are see their trees and grow their branches. but some mystery branches didn't have leaves so friends saw a very hard and After some years trees height same and branched didn't grow leaves. and They are know about seed. It is bad seed so They are think about it.

'From now on we are think and act"


This book give moral "think and act!!" and we are less mistake very well. so we are very good. good -bye 

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