The Haunted Castle (Geronimo Stilton #46) (Paperback)
Stilton, Geronimo / Scholastic Paperbacks / 2011년 7월
평점 :

One day night Geronimo ride taxi and go to home but he is arrived hanted house.  and write this "the canny cat house" geronimo go into this house. geronimo was frightened and geronimo was go into first room It was letter "Oh foolish visiter welcome to my home meowww!! play in my home meowwww!! from canny cat" Geronimo go back and geronimo bumb with bookcase and book falling to geronimo foot!! book was bumb his foot. he is very sick is he said "ouuuuuuchhh!!!" he is frighted cat's room. so run away to door. but he is forgotten where is door and geronimo go around other room result he is sleep in canny cat's room. and  he is close the eye. and tomorrow morning he is go home now and he is said about it. but his friend said "hahaha you see a goust, I'm see a gold cow hahahaha!!" and he is go canny cat mouse again. And he is saw a child cat and he is go house with her. he is met with his son. And his son like him. and he is like the canny cat house

Today I read this book. but I don't read perfect. even middle geronimo's story very fun I will read next page bye bye.  

haunted:유령이 나오는  

shiver:떨다. 몸서리 치다.  

nincompoop:바보, 멍청이  

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