The Secret Message Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 8
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

Today I read this book. This story"s words are very easy. And are read, this is very fun book. 

One day, Quinny broke coded. It was made by Steve. so Steve was very sad But Quinny. broke coded was not Steve's coded. It was own coded. and He is angry and go own house. And she is made mystery message. It is write "It is not your coded It is my coded. I broke my coded." but Steve didn't believe message And she is see to him. finally he is know about coded story and Steve said sorry and Quinny receieve his sorry. and they are become a very good friend.  

This story, I know about believe and love. You too believe and love your friend bye!!   

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