Ricky Ricottas Mighty Robot: The First Adventure Novel (Prebound, School & Librar)
Pilkey, Dav / Turtleback Books / 2000년 2월
평점 :

The name of Ricky and parents lived. And Ricky like go to school. But he don't like walking go to school. Becuase he doesn't like other mouse. And he go to walking school and he meet other friend. Suddenly other friend hit the Ricky. other friend backpack put into garbage. So Ricky very said.  

And other lab other bad mouse making the Mighy Robot. He said "Ha Ha, finally I will broke the mouse city this mighty Robot." And made it, he go to the mouse city. But Ricky broke controller And mighty robot and thanks. And lt live Ricky's parents.  

And bad mouse eat things to usually cameleon. And cameleon big and fought Mighty Robot. But cemeleon lose and bad mouse into mouse jail And Ricky said "Thanks dad. Really big happen." So he answed "you're welcome" 

I read this book I feel very much First I feels Mighty Robot and mouse can be friends. So I'm very strange. because I listen for the first time story. And I read chapter book And I grow my English.

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