Ricky Ricotta y el Poderoso Robot contra los Buitres Vudu de Venus / Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. the Voodoo Vultures from Venus (Paperback)
Pilkey, Dav / Scholastic / 2005년 11월
평점 :

One day, Ricky's father sitting on the table and Ricky's mother sitting on the table but Ricky not sitting on the table few minute ago Ricky come with Mighty Robot Ricky said (happy face) "Sorry father and mother I late.' So father said "sit down" And father said "Responsibility is important. Because It is promise." Ricky said (sad face) "Sorry father and mother I don't no responsibility. I tried promise responsibility." And mighty Robot and Ricky sleep Ricky 'I keep promise responsibility' 

And from Venus, live The voodoo vultures they were earth for go eat food. Morning Ricky see other friends go other city So Mighyt Robot and Ricky go hide. And they are see The voodoo vultures And he fighted with Vodoo vultures and Vodoo vultures lose So Vodoo vultures run away And world became piece  

I read this book I feel very interesting. And I like become This mighty Robot and Ricky because I want became hero. Everyone read Mighty Robot book 시리즈. Very fun. You feel like hero too. See you bye-bye

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