Big Bugs (School & Library)
Simon, Seymour / Chronicle Books Llc / 2005년 3월
평점 :

this book is the about big bug this book first is very think ugly but I reading this book the bug is no ugly. and I'm funny to reading and cute the big bugs.  

the first big bugs is giant water bug this bug is 3 inches live the more. the big bugs are eating the frog and the fishes and it is eating the twice the weigh and big bug is the chrokroch it is the word giant the bug the chorkrouch and it is strange smell are human and animies because it is the don't eating to the power and you go to the setting and you and it is eating the little bugs and eating the little ants and very you said and know the more. and bulldog is the world in the ants it is sizes are 1 finger so the bulldogs are bit the humans and so you carefully the bulldogs 


bulldog: 세상에서 가장 큰 개미 



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