Planetas Alrededor Del Sol / Planets Around the Sun (Paperback)
Simon, Seymour / Chronicle Books Llc / 2007년 4월
평점 :

it's about planets in the story planets are very different and planets name total is solor sytem.  planets name is eight planets in the space. it's name are earth, saturn, mer sury jupiter , mars, and venus.... many planets in the space. first is a earth earth is in space can live the planets. earth is have a water and clouds and soil. it'a perfect planet and mars mars is very hot now, scientists are interesting saw the mars so peopale is end the robot in the mars and robot is doing ar walking the mars. jupiter is very big. it is solor system best big planets. and distance from more 484 mile kilometer. so red more spot is more is venus is distance from sun and 67 millions miles lenght of day. 





solor system: 은하계

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