Davy Crockett: A Life on the Frontier (Ready-To-Read Level 3) (Paperback)
Stephen Krensky 지음, Debra Bandelin 그림 / Aladdin / 2004년 11월
평점 :

he is great fighter. he is born in the house he is very powerful. the day davy crokett the sun was so was so pleased, it shot strait up into the sky without a pause for morning. there was alot to be excited about,after all. young davy weigh in at more than two hundred pounds. and before the day was out, he had leaped out of his crib and danced around the room. and he is very famous on his room. he is later grow- up he has a more stood on his back  and after he is going to a general and he power. 




leaped:점프하다. 도약하다.  



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