Lucy and the Firestone (Paperback + Audio CD 1장) - Starters 제이와이 리딩강 챕터북 Starter 11
준 크레빈 지음, 폴리 던바 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2008년 9월
평점 :

I like a firestone because it's bright very light. but she is try to find the fire stone and she is find her adventure one day her loyer lighthouse is bright and she is a forgotton she is father's say's don't listen and she is going to the shifting mud. she is going but she is danger but seabird her save and she is arrive ther fir forest and she is ask neighborhood grandmother "where is here" she said grandmother said "here is fir forest" so she is do city and meet a monster the dragon monster is going libary she is read and read and read.... and she is find the fire stones  

My favorite scene 

at that moment, there was a deep rumbling in the earth In front of them the ground cracked open out of the crack rose...a firestone! everyone gasped 

new word  

crack :깨지다 


snap:찰깍 하고 소리나다. 

pluck:잡아 당기다.

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