We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter (Paperback) - '말센스' 원서
Celeste Headlee / Harperwave / 2018년 9월
평점 :

Highly recommended. This is a well written book for those who has been struggling with the way of communication with others but has no chance so far to figure out the concrete way to do it. But not just the fact that I mentioned above, but there is more. Going through the whole book, I felt like hearing her voice right from in front of me as vivid as it gives an image of something she said. I came to realize what she’s done in the book is not just giving you the information that you may need.

The way she’s talking, ‘not writing’, is making the perfect sample for what she’s been saying. When you say something, you should consider the person who listen to it. I’m not saying that you should tried to be a brown noser or something, what I meant by it is that you should think more about how to talk than what to talk. Apparently we do know what we want to say, what we do not know or often miss out is how we deliver it. It’s the matter of practicality. That is nothing to do with polite gestures or political correctness, in some sense that would matter though.

I reviewing and correcting the writing from others as a job at the office and what I learned from the years of experience is simple. We all suck at writing. We are not good enough at communicating in general. At least not as good as we think we are or should be. There are some accidents with miscommunications, often things go really ugly, but maybe the fact that we are able to use the language to show what we feel or think is incredible. So lower the bar, satisfied with what we’ve got, and just live with that. That can be the other option.

But I think there would be other way around it, and I sort of believe that the journey to look into it is A mission of our species. Over the thousands of years, we’ve been through this massive events like the Great Extinctions, Ice Ages, World Wars and Global Warming(not sure if it’s over but). I am grateful for what I have, and I am going to live with it. We can make it better tool or disastorous weapon for us. It’s all up to us.

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