Pachinko : The New York Times Bestseller (Paperback, 영국판) - 애플TV 드라마 '파친코' 원작
이민진 / Head of Zeus / 2020년 1월
평점 :

Is nationalism is a delusion?

History has failed us, but no matter.

This very first sentence of the book strongly insinuate the life that Koreans should came through. Though it was quite interesting to read Korea's history with 

 effectively shows what history that Koreans have came through.   

Poignant history of all Koreans can relate

Nevertheless, to every Korean he knew, Japan‘s expanding war in Asia seemed senseless. China was not Korea; China was not Taiwan; China could lose a million people and still keep on. Pockets of it may fall, but it was an unfathomably vast nation; it would endure by sheer number and resolve. Did Koreans want Japan to win? Hell no, but what would happen to them if Japan‘s enemies won? Could the Koreans save themselves? Apparently not. So save your own ass-this was what Koreans believed privately. - P192

Save your family. Feed your belly. Pay attention, and be skeptical of the people in charge. If the Korean nationalists couldn‘t get their country back, then let your kids learn Japanese and try to get ahead. Adapt. Wasn‘t it as simple as that? For every patriot fighting for a free Korea, or for any unlucky Korean bastard fighting on behalf of Japan, there were ten thousand compatriots on the ground and elsewhere who were just trying to eat. In the end, your belly was your emperor. - P193

Without the others around, it was possible to be kind to her son. Parents weren‘t supposed to praise their children, she knew this - it would only invite disaster. But her father had always told her when she had done something well; out of habit, he would touch the crown of her head or pat her back, even when she did nothing at all. - P198

Any other parent might‘ve been chided by the neighbors for spoiling a daughter, but no one said anything to her crippled father, who marveled at his child‘s symmetrical features and normal limbs. He took pleasure in just watching her walk, talk, and do simple sums in her head. - P199

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