Slaughterhouse-Five: Or the Children's Crusade, a Duty-Dance with Death (Mass Market Paperback) - 『제5도살장』원서
커트 보네거트 지음 / Dell / 1991년 11월
평점 :

Poignant and sarcastic tho misogynistic

It is different from typical time-traveling or typical war-novels. Billy's time traveling is unique and Billy's somewhat transcend-life attitude toward life makes the scene very poignant. Tho Billy keeps going out and back and he does not have strong eager toward life, he kind of committed himself to every moment and so the story goes. 

Though I like the way of author depicting the situation, I found this book is very misogynistic. Almost all the women and girls in this book are sexually objectified that they exist as a sexual temptation. I really got disappointed when the author mentioned naked girls in Dresden. Should you have to write that? Should you? I don't even have to mention that almost all the girls here are either beautiful-dumb head or not beautiful-but still dumb as the same. I really want to ask the author-though I'm sure he is already dead- that is this his best way to depict women. It's a pity that male authors always have this kind of limitation in describing half of the human race. It is just a pity. Poor Kurt Vonnegut, hope you'd learned some things before your death!

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