Stoner : A Novel (Paperback) - 『스토너』원서 Vintage Classics 765
Williams, John L / Vintage Classics / 2012년 7월
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This took about almost 2 weeks to read through it. Ah, what a life Stoner had!

This is just my opinion but I think this would probably much more like a biography of the author though he insisted in the first of its page that it is out of his imagination.

Although I can't agree with Stoner's way of managing his life and I can't say he was always moral but even in the times when he should be blamed, I somehow feel sympathy for him. He was kind of passive, withdrawn and introspective man who really does not insist one's opinion out strongly. And I think this is one of the reasons which made his life a bit more miserable. If he knew what he was doing when he proposed Edith, and I he paid more attention to his surroundings and had more talks with her...I cannot believe that wife like Edith can exist. She's so twisted from inside, does not now what she wants and what she feels, she only care about what other people would think. This part of her is so exaggerated in the novel that I can't believe this kind of person is really exist. Well, they may exist but cases like Edith would probably the rare one, I think. I felt heartbroken when Edith keep interfere him talking with Grace and that feeling suddenly changed into chock when he fell in love with Katherine. What a life..!

 With all the incidents the got through, I felt sympathy for him since I deeply moved by his emptiness, loneliness and solitude. In his way, he lived his life fully; though he did always fully aware of himself and his surroundings. And I supposed this is what is called life, the one that mixture of sadness, despair, contempt, regret and love. 

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