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라이언 머피 감독, 줄리아 로버츠 외 출연 / 소니픽쳐스 / 2011년 1월
평점 :

Eat, Pray, Love


Some criticize this book by saying that Elizabeth Gilbert wrote this book to justify her remarriage and tell people that was the process of balancing her life again. Very sharp opinion, I think. Yes, that's very plausible criticism and might be true.

The book, [Eat, Pray, Love] became "big, mega-sensation, international bestseller thing," like she said, and she may also have achieved a huge success in legitimizing her divorce and remarriage. Smart lady.


However, screw that and just focus on the movie per se.(I haven't read the book yet.)

I really like it and I think it's very interesting.

It has several factors that efficiently appeal to audiences: exotic places, victim of love, and the process of finding yourself.


①Exotic Places

I dream of going exotic places like Italy, India, and Bali and this movie takes me to those places. Especially, I've fantasized about India since I watched the movie "The Little Princess" during my childhood and India described by this movie is very similar image that I've thought of.

While watching it, I found myself who's captured by desire to travel abroad.

Colorful scenary, delicious-looking food, strangers and on and on.. I can name of many things that persuade me to love this movie.


②The victim of love

Including Elizabeth Gilbert, people she met throughout the journey are victims of love. They are afraid to start to see someone because they are scared of being hurt again. Probably many audiences are like that too so they empathize to the characters very easily. What's good about this movie is at the end of the movie, Katut, the medicineman in Bali, tells Gilbert the wisdom of life, and she finally changes her mind to love, getting over her trauma. Typical ending, but it is hopeful and touching at the same time.


③The process of finding yourself

I like this kind of movie which is about finding out insight of life through journey. As we can look back ourselves while traveling, it means alot to us. Some may say it's wasting time and money to hit the road, but if you find out what you like and who you are, that is invaluable time that is unalterable.



I'd wanted to watch this movie for a long time, and now after watching it, I feel good.

Oh oh oh, I'm not gonna forget this; "dolce far niente," or  sweetness of doing nothing. (it's an Italian phrase introduced in the movie.)

It counters against my creed, but sometimes I have to have this attitude. Sweetness of doing nothing. :)


Nice movie.    

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