“This time is a really important time for you guys because nobody knows who you are, and nobody should. This is not a time to promote yourself. It doesn’t matter. This is the time to get your stuff together. Promotion can be like that. You can have promotion in 30 seconds if your stuff is good. Good music is its own promotion.”

- John Mayer 2011 Clinic

음. 나는 보통 음악이 아닌 다른 분야에 있어선 반대로 생각하는 편이다. 이것은 '재야' 라는것이 어느정도의 위상을 지니는 필드인지에 따라서 달라질텐데 대부분의 경우 자신의 공부나 일을 빨리 공식적인 것으로 만들수 있으면 좋다고 생각한다. 어떤 분야에선 이게 의외로 쉽고 어떤 분야에선 아주 어렵겠지만...

업계의 주변을 전전하는 것이 좋은지 나쁜지에 대한 폴그래험의 재밌는 글

The Power of the Marginal

If you're an outsider, your best chances for beating insiders are obviously in fields where corrupt tests select a lame elite. But there's a catch: if the tests are corrupt, your victory won't be recognized, at least in your lifetime. You may feel you don't need that, but history suggests it's dangerous to work in fields with corrupt tests. You may beat the insiders, and yet not do as good work, on an absolute scale, as you would in a field that was more honest.

물론 음악에선 '어떻게' 데뷔를 하느냐가 다른 분야보다 훨씬 중요할 것이다.

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