Sheep in a jeep on a hill that‘s steep.

Sheep leap to push the jeep.

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sheep prefer an out-if-reach ball.

There‘s not enough to buy this stuff.

What can they swap to pay the shop?

She hop home in the warm spring day.

They‘re ready for some birthday fun.

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I‘m running away.

If you run away. I will run after you.

If you run after me, I will become a fish in a trout stream.

If you become a fish in a trout stream, I will become a fisherman and I will fish for you.

If you become a fisherman, I will become a rock on the mountain, high above you.

If you become a rovk on the mountain high above me, I will be a mountain climber, and I wilk climb to where you are.

If you become a mountain climber, I wilk be a crocus in a hidden garden.

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Daisy had made up her mind.

She had found some dark glasses in a drawer.

She had found some secret spy gadget in her mum‘s bedroom.

All she had to do now was speak in code.

Daisy had seen it used in spy films.

Daisy‘s mum stared at Daisy and scratched her head.

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Daisy had been adopted by tigers.

Her mum had been stolen by a gang of mad elephants.


How exciting!

How brilliant!

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