Suzy goose and her friends were gathered around the tree.
It needs a star on top.
Just like the one in the sky.
And before anybody could stop her, suzy dived off the top of the hill.
What a NOISY place this is, thought Suzy.
I wish I could find somewhere quiet.
The wood looked like a quiet place.
She was just like everybody else.
I wish I could be different, she thought.
Perhaps it is better to be just like everyone else, thought Suzy Goose......
Do you think birds know when it‘s going to snow?
The seeds we left out were almost gone.
New snow would soon bury the rest.
We‘d been waiting for a really big snow, saving good stuff in a sack.
When I‘ve finished this lolly can we get some more?
When I was a boy we used to roll our wooden hoops down the street after school.
Were you once a baby as well, Grandpa?
Harry, Florence and I used to come down that hill like little arrows.