I just don‘t know what‘s going on or why it has to be.

but every day it‘s something worse.

what‘s happening to me?

I think it was three ago I first because aware

that in my comb were caught a couple piece of my hair.

I lifted up my shirt and found this little piece of fuzz.

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Do you know who sank the boat?

was it the cow who almost fell in.

was it the donkey who balanced her weight?

was it the pig as fat as butter

was it the sheep who knew where to sit to level

was it the little mousem the last to get in

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뇌가 좋은 아이를 위한 책읽기는 수백, 수천 권, 1만권 독파 등 읽은 책의 분량에 있지 않다.
하루에 단 한 권이라도 엄마의 따사로운 품안에 안겨서 아기가 스스로 책장을 넘겨 가면서 엄마의 목소리로 듣는 책 읽기가 좋다.
사랑의 책 읽기를 통한 엄마와 아기의 온전한 상호작용이야말로 뇌를 좋게 하는 방법이다. - P240

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His grandfather didn‘t remember him.

He just lay in bed.

You‘re just going to upset yourself.

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On Bobby‘s fifth birthday, Bob and he had a special day,

They went to the amusement park.

Bobby came home and his grandfather wasn‘t there.

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