개와 고양이의 성격이 어쩜 이리도 다른지!
개를 두마리 기르고 있는데, 얘내들의 반응이 정말 아래의 일기와 ""똑같다!""
개가 사랑받는 이유는 동물들 중 가장 감정이 풍부해서인 것 같다.
한편, 고양이는... 위의 일기와 같이 악의적이지는 않지만, 좀 더 독립적이고 냉철하다. 솔직히 말하자면, 난 개보다 고양이가 더 좋다. 더 깨끗하고 더 우아하고 손이 덜 간다.
다음은 개와 고양이의 일기를 이메일로 보내준 친구에게 보낸 답장이다.
이 서재의 이름이 Lynx인 이유가 나와 있다.
Thank you for your funny diaries. I enjoyed it very much.
I agree with the dog's diary. I also think that dogs would feel so happy most of the times.
Poor cats! They are always playing the bad guys in movies and in jokes!
(Did you see the movie Cats and Dogs?)
Recently, I am ineterested in cats, not only domestic cats, but also wild cats like lynx.
It is because I've found out that there was an academy named 'Lyncean Academy'.
Do you know what it was? It was the first scientific society, forum free from university control or prejudice. It was made in Italia in the 17th century, but it didn't last long. Galileo Galilei was a member of this academy, and he was very proud of that. The ones who were approved as members could sign 'Lyncean' by their name. The founder - I forgot his name - named the academy after lynx because lynx has sharp eyes, and he thought that its image fits with people who are looking for 'truth'.
So I began to like this character. The loneliness, the sharp sight, consistent persuit.. and so on...
Back to the cat's diary... it's cute.
The cat thinks, makes experiments, tests people, interpretes...
sometimes in wrong ways.
Even though, I like cats.