toto 2009-01-16  

선생님 그새 또 질문꺼리가 생겼습니다.  

다음은 Multiple Reading Skills 3 [McGrew-Hill] 에 나오는 지문입니다. 

The audience clapped and cheered as Ted Hon put down his instrument, a saxophone. "We'll take a break now," Ted announced, "but our band will be back shortly." Ted's band plays an unusual kind of music. "Our music sounds different from the music other groups play," Ted explains. "I'm from Hawaii. My mother is Hawaiian, and my father is Japanese. Chris, our drum player, is from a Chinese family. Our piano player's family settled in California in 1850. We're all really interested in the music of China and Japan. I guess that's why the music we play has a special sound." If the audience at this concert is any sign, there will soon be a lot more interest in Ted Hon's band and its music. 

마지막 문장 해석이 애매합니다.
If the audience at this concert is any sign, there will be soon be more interest in Ted Hon's band and its music.  


thirsty 2009-01-16 09:37   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

sign을 '징조, 조짐, 기미(something that indicates a fact or condition that is not immediately or outwardly observable)'로 해석하면 되겠지요.
"이 콘서트에 온 청중들이 하나의 징조라면, 테드 혼 밴드와 그 음악에 대해서 곧 더욱 많은 관심이 생길 것이다."

"If the audience at this concert show(s)any sign" 이렇게 써도 되겠지요.

"Our piano player's family settle in California in 1850." 이 부분은 'settled'의 오탄가요?

toto 2009-01-16 11:09   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
앗 오타 맞습니다. 감사합니다.