Sadly, sin has distorted our perspective of sex, turning it into a meansfor gratifying our desires through lust and manipulation. May Godhelp us reclaim a healthy perspective on sexual intimacy so that we mayhonor Him and our spouses with it. - P78
So, if youthinkyou are standing firm, be careful thatyoudon‘t fall! 1 Corinthians 10:12 - P80
Again working from personal example, Paul exhorts them not to makehasty judgments but to wait for the Lord‘s judgment since He knows themotivation of every heart. - P158
The divisions inthe church are causing the Corinthians to become puffed up: they forgetthat both they and the apostles are mere recipients of gifts that comefrom the same God. Likewise, keeping a thankful heart will protect usfrom arrogance and division. - P159