Cup Run (Paperback + Audio CD 1장) - Starters 제이와이 리딩강 챕터북 Starter 6
마틴 워델 지음, 러셀 아요토 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2008년 9월
평점 :

I think this soccer club is very well captan is jacthon D. he is a very good soccer player. the other player is very good too. the first  match is named League cup team name is Belt goalbuster vs good goalmaster he is goal is 3-0 win and seecond match is youth club he is named like very speedy players very nervous so youth team goal in so now is 1-0 and half-time and second-turn players are very fast so goal belt goalbuster team is 1-2 winners and last 6th champion star villge so the team 3-2 wins!!! so the team is 1st champion.... 


league:경기 연맹  영영사전:group of people fight

holt:잠목림   영영사전:harold Edward

keeper:골기퍼  영영사전:in football keeper is as same goalkeeper

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