우와- 펭귄의 70번째 생일을 맞이하야 발행된 포켓펭귄 시리즈입니다.
70가지 독특한 타이틀로 구성되어 있습니다.
그 작가진의 면면을 살펴보자면 닉혼비, 알랭 드 보통에서 제디 스미스까지 프로이드, 카프카, 존 스타인벡에서 촘스키, 버지니아 울프, 그리고 제이미 올리버 까지. 다양하기 그지 없습니다.
이 시리즈의 미덕은 엄선된 작가들의 단편을 접하는 것만이 아닙니다.
낯익은 오렌지색 박스에 가지런히 넣어져 있는 책들. 자그마치 70권.
순서대로 주욱 꽂아 놓으면 환상적인 그라데이션까지
그라데이션 즐감상
뒤집어보면 흐믓. 70시리즈의 표지가 레오 발바닥만한 크기로 가지런히 먹음직스럽게 나와 있다.
70권을 다 꺼내서 주욱- 펼쳐 놓았다.
환상적인 표지다. 보고만 있어도 황홀하다. >.<
앗, 무엄하도다, 레오!!
흐믓 ^________________________^
자 이제부터 본격 스크롤 압박.
1. Lady Chatterley's Trial (D.H. Lawrence)
2. Cogs in the Great Machine ( Eric Schlosser)
3. Otherwise Pandemonium - Nick Hornby
4. Summer in Algiers ( Albert Camus )
5. Innocent House (P.D. James)
6. The view From Mount Improbable ( Richard Dawkins)
7. On Shopping (India Knight)
8. Nothing Bad ever Happens i Tiffany's ( Marian Keyes)
9. The Mirror of Ink ( Jorge Luis Borges)
10. A Tste of te Unexpected(Roald Dahl)
11. The Unabridged Pocketbook of Lightning(Jonathan Safran Foer)
12. The Cave of the Cyclops (Homer)
13.Two Stars (Paul Theroux)
14. Of Pageants and Picnics(Elizabeth David)
15. Artists and Models( Anais Nin)
16. Christmas at Stalingrad ( Antony Beevor)
17. The Desert and the Dancing Girls(Gustave Flaubert)
18. The Secret Annexe(from The Diary of Anne Frank) ( Anne Frank)
19. Where I Was(James Kelman)
20. Noise(Hari Kunzru)
21. The Bastille Falls( Simon Schama)
22. The Dressmaker's Child(William Trevor)
23. In Defence of Enlish Cooking ( George Orwell)
24. Idiot Nation ( Michael Moore)
25. Rose, 1944 ( Helen Dunmore)
26.The Economics of Innocent Fraud(J.K. Galbraith)
27. The School Inspector Calls ( Gervase Phinn)
28. Young Austerlitz(W.G. Sebald)
29. Borneo and the Poet ( Redmond O'Hanlon)
30. Ali Smith's Supersonic 70s(Ali Smith)
31. Forgetting Things( Sigmund Freud)
32. King Arthur in the East Riding ( Simon Armitage)
33. Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson ( Hunter S. Thompson)
34. Cloud, Castle, Lake( Vladimir Nabokov)
35. 1914 : Why the World Went to War ( Niall Ferguson )
36. The Snobs ( Muriel Spark)
37. Hotheads( Stephen Pinker)
38. Under the Clock (ony Harrison)
39. Three Trips (John Updike)
40. Design Faults in the Volvo 760 Turbo(Will Self)
41. The Country of the Blind ( H.G. Wells)
42. Doctrines and Vision ( Noam Chomsky)
43. Something for the Weekend ( Jamie Oliver)
44. Street Haunting ( Virginia Woolf )
45. Martha and Hanwell ( Zadie Smith)
46. The Scales of Justice ( John Mortimer)
47. The Diamond as Big as the Ritz ( F. Scott Fitzgerald )
48. The State of Poetry ( Roger McGough)
49. Death in the Bunker ( Ian Kershaw)
50. Seventeen Poisoned Englishmen( Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
51. The Assault on Jerusalem ( Steven Runciman)
52. The Queen in Hell Close ( Sue Townsend)
53. Iron Potassium Nickel ( Primo Levi)
54. Letters from Four Seasons ( Alistair Cooke)
55. Protobiography ( William Boyd)
56. Caligula ( Robert Graves)
57. The Worst thing a suburban girl could imagine ( Melissa Bank)
58. My side of the Matter ( Truman Cpote)
59. Scenes of Academi Life ( Dvid Lodge)
60. The Kis ( Anon Chekhov)
61. Young Bysshe ( Claire Tomalin)
62. The Aristocratic Adventurer ( David Cannadine)
63. Jeeves and the Impending Doom ( P.G. Wodehouse)
64. The Great Wall of China ( Franz Kafka)
65. Short Short Stories ( Dave Eggers)
66. The Coronation of Haile Selassie ( Evelyn Waugh)
67. War Talk ( Pat Barker )
68. 9th & 13th( Jonathan Coe)
69. Murder ( John Steinbeck)
70. On Seeing and Noticing ( Alain de Botton)