영어 질문의 모든 것! Qbook에는 여러분이 영어 공부를 하면서 꼭 대답하는 연습해 보아야 할 2000개의 질문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 영상에 나오는 질문들에 대한 대답을 코멘트나 동영상 응답으로 남겨 주세요!

매주 추첨을 통해서 라이온북스의 책을 선물로 드려요!


1. What does your given name mean?

  - I wrote about this at part 1, My given name Dohwan means a man's way will be shine. I hope that to be true.  


2. How did your parents use to punish you? Why did they punish you?

  - When I was young boy, I was too shy, and careful at everything. So I don't have special memory about punishing.


3. Did you fight with your brothers and sisters? What did you fight about?

  - Especialy nothing to write here today. I don't have brothers or sisters. So I'll write about my friend. One day, When I was 16 years old,  I went to my friend's house and played with him. When his older sister came home, my friend annoyed his sister, he hit her jab, jab. His sister exploded. She took down my friend on the floor, and kicked, stepped... When his nose bloodied, she stopped, and told him "I let you cause your friend watching!"



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영어 질문의 모든 것! Qbook에는 여러분이 영어 공부를 하면서 꼭 대답하는 연습해 보아야 할 2000개의 질문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 영상에 나오는 질문들에 대한 대답을 코멘트나 동영상 응답으로 남겨 주세요!

매주 추첨을 통해서 라이온북스의 책을 선물로 드려요!


아 오늘은 좀 어렵구나^^;; 태극기의 의미를 잊고 있었군요..


1. What do the black bars on the Korean flag represent?

  -  I don't know about it, exactly I forgot it. I learned about that when I was student, but I don't remember so I find it at Internet.

     The bars mean nature(Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon), seasons(spring, summer, autumn, winter) and direction(north, south, west, east).

     In addition, red and blue circle in center means balance of yin and yang. that things are from Asia philosophy.


2. Can you tell me about three Korean customs?

  - First, Korean treat someone who is older or unknown with deferrence. That is natural behavior to Korean. Second, we express courtesy telling deferrence language, and third, bowing when we meet first instead of waving hands.


3. Is Korea a free country? Why? Why not?

  - Korea is free country enough. I think over-freedom will bring chaos in economy, safety or others. Surely Korea needs growth in right of citizen and workers, but sometimes, I think the freedom of Korea is immoderate when I read bad replies on the internet.



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영어 질문의 모든 것! Qbook에는 여러분이 영어 공부를 하면서 꼭 대답하는 연습해 보아야 할 2000개의 질문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 영상에 나오는 질문들에 대한 대답을 코멘트나 동영상 응답으로 남겨 주세요!


이번에도 저도 한번 대답을 써보겠습니다. ^^!


1. Why do you need English?

  -  I don't think I need English certainly to live, but it is very useful sometimes.

     It can make me to understand different cultures, and talk with more many people different from me.


2. What is the best way to learn English?

  - If I know the best way to learn English, I'm teaching English at somewhere. I can't use English well, but I think this is good way to learn english.

    I was glad when I know this Qbook first, Question and anwser will be exellent way to learn English I think.


3. Have you tried learning English through songs? Why? Why not?

  - I haven't. I had no will to learn English really, I was too lazy. Learning English throught songs will be effective way. I remember a song 'farmer and the beet' heard when I working at Kids Engish camp despite 5 years went from now.



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영어 질문의 모든 것! Qbook에는 여러분이 영어 공부를 하면서 꼭 대답하는 연습해 보아야 할 2000개의 질문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 영상에 나오는 질문들에 대한 대답을 코멘트나 동영상 응답으로 남겨 주세요!


영어와 떨어져 지낸지 오래되서 가물가물하지만 저도 한번 대답을 써보겠습니다. ^^;

1. What's your name?

 - My name is Song Dohwan. Song is lastname, and Dohwan means his way will be lightful in English. Some my foreigner friend called me Song. It's simple and easy to memory.


2. What drives you crazy? Why?

 - The Lotte Giants my favorite bassball team makes me crazy. I love to go watching bassball to stadium, but i didn't go there this year.
    Why team Lotte fired their director Jerry, I hate new director's everything in baseball. 


3. Have you ever helped someone in a difficult situation? How? What happened?

 - Yes, One day I was waiting subway at the station, A man went down to railroad, he dressed off, and lied on the railroad.

    Then, The subway workers ran from their office, and they asked help. So I pulled the man with wokers.

    After few minutes, the subway arrived at the station, one meter before the point which the man lied on. 



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