『자본주의와 현대사회이론』(1971)
Capitalism and Modern Social Theory
『사회이론의 주요쟁점』(1979)
Central problems in Social Theory : Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis
『사적 유물론의 현대적 비판』(1981)
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism. Vol. 1. Power, Property and the State
Sociology: a Brief but Critical Introduction
The Constitution of Society
『민족국가와 폭력』(1985; 사적 유물론의 현대적 비판 2)
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism. Vol. 2. The Nation State and Violence
The Consequences of Modernity
『현대성과 자아정체성』(1991)
Modernity and Self-Identity
『현대사회의 성 사랑 에로티시즘: 친밀성의 구조변동』(1992)
The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies
『성찰적 근대화』(1994)
Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order
공저자: 울리히 벡(Ulrich Beck), 스콧 래쉬(Scott Lash)
『좌파와 우파를 넘어서』(1994)
Beyond Left and Right — the Future of Radical Politics
『제3의 길』(1998)
The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy
『기든스와의 대화』(1998)
Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity
대담자: 크리스토퍼 피어슨(Christopher Pierson)
『질주하는 세계』(1999)
Runaway World
『제3의 길과 그 비판자들』(2000)
The Third Way and Its Critics
『노동의 미래』(2002)
Where Now for New Labour?
『기후변화의 정치학』(2009)
The Politics of Climate Change
『유럽의 미래를 말하다』(2013)
Turbulent And Mighty Continent