The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our Mom! (Paperback) - We Love Our Mom! The Berenstain Bears 77
Berenstain, Jan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2012년 3월
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The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our Mom!
Berenstain Bears
Jan Berenstain


The Berenstain Bear books are wonderful, beautifully illustrated and adorable life lessons from a sweet bear family.

Who could not love the Berenstein Bears?

This was a cute one, pointing out all that moms do for their little ones.

The cubs are looking for an idea of what they can do for mom for Mother's Day.

All the Berenstain books are great to read, no matter your age.


To summarize briefly.....


With Mother's Day only a week away,

Brother and Sister Bear are looking for the perfect present for Mama.

After all, Mama Bear is always there for her cubs!

When Brother scrapes his knees, Mama is there with bear hugs and kisses.

When Sister needs help with her homework, Mama always lends a helping hand.

So what can the cubs possibly do to show their mom how much they love her?

Book Details:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 3/13/2012
  • Pages: 24
  • Reading Level: Age 3 and Up

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