Sh*t My Dad Says (Hardcover)
Halpern, Justin 지음 / It Books / 2010년 5월
평점 :

실물 뻬뽀네를 아빠로 둔 남자가 쓴 아빠의 어록

코미디 웹사이트를 운영하는 작가라고 해서 엄청 웃기려니 생각하고 구매했는데

생각만큼 웃기진 않았다

그러나 분명 몇몇 문구는 키득키득 웃게 만들기도 하고, 가족간의 사랑에 가슴 따듯해지기도 하고..

거기에 분량은 적고 글은 쉬워서 가벼운 기분으로 읽기 괜찮다

"He’s just like you: He’s a pain in my ass, but I love him. And he shits everywhere. Which is mostly why he’s like you," he added with a smirk.

"You always got us. We’re family. We ain’t going anywhere. Unless you go on a fucking killing spree or something." "I would still love you, Justy. I would just want to know why you did it," my mom said earnestly,

On My Response to Having My Tires Slashed

"Oh, don’t go to the goddamned cops. They’re busy with real shit. I don’t want my tax dollars going to figuring out who thinks you’re an asshole."


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