Surrounded and driven away from all that is familiar, David cries out to God. Though his house is no longer a safe place for him, David seeks refugein God as his fortress. - P114
There may be times in our lives when we feeldriven into a corner, and we don‘t understand why this is happening. In times like this, Scripture invites us to cry out to God and take refugein His strength. - P114
It may sound cynical, but when push comes to shove, there is onlyone person we can absolutely rely on and will never fail us or let usdown. - P114
The context of today‘s psalm traces back to a time in David‘s life thatwas fraught with dangers. In 1 Samuel 18 and 19, we learn aboutSaul‘s growing fear and jealousy of David and his consequent attemptsto kill him. After another victorious battle against the Philistines, Da-vid finds his house surrounded by Saul‘s assassins and is thus forced toflee from his own home. - P115
During that time of distress, confusion, and peril David repeatedlyrefers to the Lord as his strength. In Psalm 59:9, he resolves to waitGod for refuge and deliverance, and by verses 16 and 17, wefind him singing songs of praise about God‘s love. How is David ablefe‘ to sing about God‘s power and mercy even as vicious men pursue him? And where can we find strength to praise God even as we face trouble, grief, and fear in our lives? - P115
While some of us may never find themselves in the same circum-stances as David, we all experience suffering. And in that reality, thispsalm teaches us to keep God at the center. When we deliberatelyremember and meditate upon the character and promises of God, our hearts grow strong with praise rather than weak with fear. - P115
You and You alone are the only one who will never let me down. InJesus‘ name, amen. - P115