11 Then people will say, "Surely the righteous still arerewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth." - P109
God accomplished justicethrough Jesus‘ death on the cross, paying for all who believe in Him-even the worst of sinners. And for those who reject Him, God willaccomplish justice through judgment Knowing this does not keep usfrom feeling angry at injustice, but it does help us wait patiently forGod to restore all things to perfect justice. - P110
Because of the gospel, we, too, can lift up prayers asking for God‘sjustice. Jesus, the only innocent ruler, became cursed on our behalf bybearing our sins and the world‘s transgressions on the cross. - P111
In love, and for our sake, He who knew no sin became sin (2 Cor. 5:21). As wecling to this truth, let us continue living faithfully while praying withhope for Christ‘s return, for He has promised to make all things right, - P111