1.The Sportswriter
As a sportswriter, Frank Bascombe makes his living studying people--men, mostly--who live entirely within themselves. This is a condition that Frank himself aspires to. But at thirty-eight, he suffers from incurable dreaminess, occasional pounding of the heart, and the not-too-distant losses of a career, a son, and a marriage. In the course of the Easter week in which Ford's moving novel transpires, Bascombe will end up losing the remnants of his familiar life, though with his spirits soaring.
2. Portnoy's Complaint : Vintage Intl
Portnoy's Complaint "n. [after Alexander Portnoy (1933- )] A disorder in which strongly-felt ethical and altruistic impulses are perpetually warring with extreme sexual longings, often of a perverse nature. Spielvogel says: 'Acts of exhibitionism, voyeurism, fetishism, auto-eroticism and oral coitus are plentiful; as a consequence of the patient's "morality," however, neither fantasy nor act issues in genuine sexual gratification, but rather in overriding feelings of shame and the dread of retribution, particularly in the form of castration.' (Spielvogel, O. "The Puzzled Penis," "Internationale Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse, Vol. XXIV, p. 909.) It is believed by Spielvogel that many of the symptoms can be traced to the bonds obtaining in the mother-child relationship.
With a new Afterword by the author for the 25th Anniversary edition.
3. Lord of the Flies
윌리엄 골딩의 소설. 영국 학교의 아이들이 단체로 무인도에 표류한 상황 속에 벌어지는 인간의 지독한 욕망을 적나라하게 그려 전세계로부터 큰 찬사를 받은 책으로, 우리나라에는 '파리대왕'으로 번역되어 나온 책이다. 파벌, 권력투쟁, 암습과 모략... 여러 종 중 오직 인간만이 보여줄 수 있는 추악한 권력에의 모든 것이 아이들이라는 우화적 소재를 통해 더욱 섬뜩하게 드러나는 걸작.
4. The Sot-Weed Factor
This is Barth's most distinguished masterpiece. This modern classic is a hilarious tribute to all the most insidious human vices, with a hero who is "one of the most diverting...to roam the world since Candide" ("Time ).
5.The Recognitions
6. Money
Absolutely one of the funniest, smartest, meanest books I know. John Self, the Rabelaisian narrator of the novel, is an advertising man and director of TV commercials who lurches through London and Manhattan, eating, drinking, drugging and smoking too much, buying too much sex, and caring for little else besides getting the big movie deal that will make him lots of money. Hey, it was the '80s. Most importantly, however, Amis in Money musters more sheer entertainment power in any single sentence than most writers are lucky to produce in a career.
7. The Chronicles of Narnia Book 2 : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Four English schoolchildren find their way through the back of a wardrobe into the magical land of Narnia, where they come to the aid of Aslan, the golden lion, in his battle against the White Witch, who has cursed the land with eternal winter. The "New York Times" called this popular fantasy "deeply moving and hauntingly lovely." Illustrations.
8. Loving/Living/Party Going/3 Books in One Volume
9. The Moviegoer
Winner of the 1961 National Book Award
The dazzling novel that established Walker Percy as one of the major voices in Southern
literature is now available for the first time in Vintage paperback.
"The Moviegoer is Binx Bolling, a young New Orleans stockbroker who surveys the world with
the detached gaze of a Bourbon Street dandy even as he yearns for a spiritual redemption he
cannot bring himself to believe in. On the eve of his thirtieth birthday, he occupies
himself dallying with his secretaries and going to movies, which provide him with the
"treasurable moments" absent from his real life. But one fateful Mardi Gras, Binx embarks
on a hare-brained quest that outrages his family, endangers his fragile cousin Kate, and
sends him reeling through the chaos of New Orleans' French Quarter. Wry and wrenching, rich
in irony and romance, The Moviegoer is a genuine American classic.
10. The Power and the Glory
In a poor, remote section of southern Mexico, the Red Shirts have taken control, God has been outlawed, and the priests have been systematically hunted down and killed. Now, the last priest strives to overcome physical and moral cowardice in order to find redemption.
To The Lighthouse (Paperback)
서른네 살의 노처녀 릴리는 램지 가의 여름 별장에 초대된 사람들 한켠에서 쉽게 완성되지 않을 그림을 그리고 있다. 캔버스에는 가부장 사회가 요구하는 ‘집안의 천사’인 램지 부인이 있다. 누구든지 사랑하고 축복하고 싶어하는 그녀는 대부분의 경우 자신을 희생하고, 타인들 가운데 녹아들고, 그들을 충만하게 해주고, 제각기 흩어져 있는 것을 한데 모으면서 그들의 중심이 된다. 그러나 릴리는 부인의 로맨틱한 환상의 베일을 벗긴다. 거기에는 남성성과 여성성이 서로 공존하지 못하고 하나를 억압하고 오로지 다른 하나만을 강요당하는 가부장 사회의 현실이 있다. 그러나 울프는 이러한 현실을 더 이상 이성의 언어로 말하지 않는다. 울프는 남성들이 전통적으로 구사해온 소설작법을 거부하고 ‘의식의 흐름 수법’으로 남성적 언어 이전의 자연의 언어를 차용함으로써 남성의 원리와 여성의 원리, 이 두 원리가 상호 보완하고 조화를 이룰 때 비로소 생生이 완전해질 수 있음을 역설한다.
12. Wide Sargasso Sea
In this Reader's Guide, Carl Plasa provides a comprehensive survey and analysis of the most stimulating critical responses to Wide Sargasso Sea. The opening chapter outlines initial reactions to the novel from English and Caribbean critics, charting the differences between them. Chapter Two explores Wide Sargasso Sea 's dialogue with Jane Eyre and the theoretical questions it has raised. Succeeding chapters examine how critics have assessed the racial politics of Rhys's text, discuss the novel's African Caribbean cultural legacy, and explore how critics read the work both in terms of its moment of production and the early Victorian period in which it is set.
13. Watchmen
A group of super heroes plagued by all too human failings fall from grace while the concept of the super hero is dissected and inverted as strangely realistic characters are stalked by an unknown assassin.
14. White Teeth
Zadie Smith's dazzling debut caught critics grasping for comparisons and deciding on everyone from Charles Dickens to Salman Rushdie to John Irving and Martin Amis. But the truth is that Zadie Smith's voice is remarkably, fluently, and altogether wonderfully her own.
At the center of this invigorating novel are two unlikely friends, Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal. Hapless veterans of World War II, Archie and Samad and their families become agents of England's irrevocable transformation. A second marriage to Clara Bowden, a beautiful, albeit tooth-challenged, Jamaican half his age, quite literally gives Archie a second lease on life, and produces Irie, a knowing child whose personality doesn't quite match her name (Jamaican for "no problem"). Samad's late-in-life arranged marriage (he had to wait for his bride to be born), produces twin sons whose separate paths confound Iqbal's every effort to direct them, and a renewed, if selective, submission to his Islamic faith. Set against London's racial and cultural tapestry, venturing across the former empire and into the past as it barrels toward the future, White Teeth revels in the ecstatic hodgepodge of modern life, flirting with disaster, confounding expectations, and embracing the comedy of daily existence.
15. White Noise
미국의 한 평범한 소시민 가족이 과학기술이 부른 재앙과 죽음에 휘말려가는 과정을 다룬 소설. 저자 드릴로는 현대 미국문명으로 대변되는 물질문명의 특성을 ‘테크놀로지에 대한 맹신’으로 그려내면서 인간들의 대안없는 질주를 비판한다. 이 소설에서 ‘하얀 소음’으로 부각되는 상업광고와 TV, 매거진에서 흘러나오는 소리들은 문명에 대한 인간의 이성적인 대응을 끊임없이 방해하는 상징이 되고 있다.
16. Under the Net (Paperback)
17.Tropic of Cancer
Forty years have passed since Grove Press first published Henry Miller's landmark masterpiece -- an act that would forever change the face of American literature. Initially banned in America as obscene, Tropic of Cancer was first published in Paris in 1934. Only a historic court ruling that changed American censorship standards permitted its publication. Tropic of Cancer is now considered, as Norman Mailer said, "one of the ten or twenty great novels of our century". Also banned in America for almost thirty years, Tropic of Capricorn is now considered a cornerstone of modern literature.
Together, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are a lasting testament to one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century and his contribution not only to literature but to the cause of free speech.
18. Under the Volcano
Geoffrey Firmin, a former British consul, has come to Quauhnahuac, Mexico. Here the consul's debilitating malaise is drinking, an activity that has overshadowed his life. Under the Volcano is set during the most fateful day of the consul's life -- the Day of the Dead, 1938. His wife, Yvonne, arrives in Quauhnahuac to rescue him and their failing marriage, inspired by a vision of a life together away from Mexico and the circumstances that have driven their relationship to the brink of collapse. Yvonne's mission to save the consul is further complicated by the presence of Hugh, the consul's half-brother, and Jacques, a childhood friend. The events of this one day unfold against a backdrop unforgettable for its evocation of a Mexico at once magical and diabolical.
Under the Volcano remains one of the most powerful and lyrical statements on the human condition and one man's constant struggle against the elemental forces that threaten to destroy him. |
19. Ubik
Glen Runciter가 죽었다. 아니면 다른 누군가인가? Runciter의 사업 경쟁자가 조작한 폭발로 누군가가 죽었다. 그리고, 실제로 Des Moines에 Runciter의 장례식이 예정되어 있다. 그런데 그의 죽음을 슬퍼하던 고용인들은 당황스럽게도 사장으로부터 메시지를 받게 된다. 진실은..?
Philip K. Dick's searing metaphysical comedy of death and salvation is a tour de force of panoramic menace and unfettered slapstick, in which the departed give business advice, shop for their next incarnation, and run the continual risk of dying yet again. |
20.To Kill a Mockingbird
의미심장한 제목만큼이나 인종차별이라는 심오한 주제를, 한 소녀의 회상을 통해 따뜻하게 그려내고 있는 작품. 하퍼 리의 유일한 발표작으로, 1961년 퓰리쳐상, 같은 해에 앨라배마 도서관협회상과 국제 기독교 및 유대인 연맹조합상을, 1962년에 그해 최고 베스트셀러 상을 수상하였다. 메이컴이라는 소도시에서 두 남매를 중심으로 일어나는 사건들에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 그러한 일련의 사건들로 인해 그 사회가 처하고 있는 상황, 사람들의 심리, 그리고 아이들의 정신적 성장과정을 그려낸 책. 미국에서는 문학수업 교재로도 사용되고 있으며, 영화화되어 많은 사랑을 받기도 했다. |
The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film, also a classic.
Compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, To Kill A Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior-to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, humor and pathos. Now with over 15 million copies in print and translated into forty languages, this regional story by a young Alabama woman claims universal appeal. Harper Lee always considered her book to be a simple love story. Today it is regarded as a masterpiece of American literature.
21. The Lord of the Rings
회색의 간달프는 빌보가 프로도에게 물려 준 반지가, 힘의 반지들의 지배자인 ‘절대반지’라는 사실을 알게 된다. 그리고 프로도에게 절대반지에 얽힌 엄청난 사실을 말해 준다. 간달프의 명령으로 프로도와 동료들은 조용한 샤이어의 집을 떠난다. 그들은 모르도르 암흑기사들에게 쫓기다가 에리아도르의 순찰자 아라고른의 도움을 받는다. 바람산에서 나즈굴의 검에 찔려 부상당한 프로도는 깊은골에 있는 엘론드의 집을 향해 글로르핀델의 백마를 타고 떠나는데......
22. The Sheltering Sky
When "The Sheltering Sky" was first published in 1949, it established Paul Bowles as one of the most singular and promising writers of the postwar generation. Its startlingly original vision has withstood the test of time and confirmed Tennessee Williams's early estimation: ""The Sheltering Sky" alone of the books that I have . . . read by American authors appears to bear the spiritual imprint of recent history in the western world." In this classic work of psychological terror, Bowles examines the ways in which Americans apprehend an alien culture and the ways in which their incomprehension destroys them.
The story of three worldly young travelers Port Moresby, his wife, Kit, and their friend, Tunner--adrift in the cities and deserts of North Africa after World War II, "The Sheltering Sky" is merciless in its evocation of the emotional dislocation induced by a foreign setting. As the Americans embark on an ill-fated journey through desolate terrain, they are pushed to the limits of human reason and intelligence by the unfathomable emptiness and impassive cruelty of the desert. Along the way, they encounter a host of enigmatic characters whose inarticulate strangeness seals the travelers off even more completely from the culture in which they are traveling, causing their fierce attachments to one another to unravel.
This special fiftieth anniversary commemorative edition of Bowles's unforgettable first novel includes the original "New York Times" review by Tennessee Williams and a preface the author wrote for his first novel before he died in 1999.
23.The Painted Bird
A harrowing story that follows the wanderings of a boy abandoned by his parents during World War II, this classic novel, originally published in 1965, is a dark masterpiece that examines the proximity of terror and savagery to innocence and love. It is the first, and the most famous, novel by one of the most important and original writers of this century.
24.The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Featuring an Introduction by the author, the crowning Cold War masterwork is once again available in a collector's trade edition.
25. The Sound and the Fury: The Corrected Text
First published in 1929, Faulkner created his "heart's darling," the beautiful and tragic Caddy Compson, whose story Faulkner told through separate monologues by her three brothers--the idiot Benjy, the neurotic suicidal Quentin and the monstrous Jason.
26. Things Fall Apart
This is Chinua Achebe's classic novel, with more than two million copies sold since its first U.S. publication in 1969. Combining a richly African story with the author's keen awareness of the qualities common to all humanity, Achebe here shows that he is "gloriously gifted, with the magic of an ebullient, generous, great talent." -- Nadine Gordimer
27. The Man Who Loved Children
With an Introduction by Randall Jarrell. Sam and Henny Pollit have too many children, too little money, and too much loathing for each other. As Sam uses the children's adoration to feed his own voracious ego, Henny watches in bleak despair, knowing the bitter reality that lies just below his mad visions. A chilling novel of family life, the relations between parents and children, husbands and wives, "The Man Who Loved Children, is acknowledged as a contemporary classic.
28. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie: Perennial Classics Edition : Perennial Class
The elegantly styled classic story of a young, unorthodox teacher and her special-- and ultimately dangerous-- relationship with six of her students.
29. Their Eyes Were Watching God
독립적이고 분명한 성격을 지닌 주인공 Janie Crawford가 세 번의 결혼 생활을 겪으면서 흑인 여성으로서 자신의 진정한 정체성을 찾아가는 과정을 그리고 있는 작품. 여성이며 동시에 흑인이라는 이중의 벽에 직면한 주인공의 파란 많은 삶의 역정을 생생한 미국 남부 흑인 방언을 유감없이 구사하며 역동적으로 보여주고 있다. 흑인 민담의 구전 정통에 대한 깊은 이해를 기반으로 이 책을 통해 저자 Zora Neale Hurston은 미국 흑인 여성 문학의 어머니라는 이름을 얻게 되었다. |
Fair and long-legged, independent and articulate, Janie Crawford sets out to be her own person-- no mean feat for a black woman in the '30s. Janie's quest for identity takes her through three marriages and into a journey back to her roots.
30. The Sun Also Rises
제1차 세계대전 때의 부상으로 성불구가 된 신문기자 제이크 번즈가 이야기하는 형식으로 전개하는 1인칭 소설. 전쟁 중 특별지원 간호사가 된 영국의 귀족부인 브레트 애쉴리와 제이크를 중심으로, ‘잃어버린 세대(Lost Generation)’의 생태를 그렸다. 브레트는 제이크와 사랑하는 사이지만, 성적인 초조함과 욕구불만에서 이 남자 저 남자를 전전하게 된다. 전반은 파리, 후반은 에스파냐의 팜플로나로 무대를 옮겨가며, 그녀의 헛된 사랑 이야기를 펼치는데...전쟁에서 상처 입은 사람들의 메마른 허무감으로 인한 절망적인 쾌락이 전쟁에 환멸을 느낀 전후의 사람들의 정신풍토에 공감을 불러일으켜 출판되자마자 베스트셀러가 되었으며, 표제는 구약성서의 《전도서》(1:5)에서 인용한 것이다. 작품의 권두에는 “당신들은 모두 잃어버린 세대입니다”라고 작자에게 말한 미국의 여성작가 G.스타인의 말을 인용하고 있기도 하다.
Hemingway's first bestselling novel, the story of a group of Americans and English on a sojourn from Paris to Paloma, evokes in poignant detail, life among the expatriates on Paris's Left Bank during the 1920s and conveys in brutally realistic descriptions the power and danger of bullfighting in Spain.
31. The Great Gatsby
미국의 1920년대를 대표하는 문학으로 꼽히는 위대한 개츠비는 제 1차 세계대전 직후의 미국의 사회상을 실감나게 묘사한 수작이다.
미국 중서부 노스다코다 주에서 가난한 농부의 아들로 태어난 개츠비는 대단한 야심가로 입신 출세를 꿈꾼다. 제1차 세계 대전이 발발하자 그는 대위로 임관되어 참전하였고, 테일러 기지에 주둔하던 중 교양 있는 상류층 여인 데이지 페이를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 어느 날 그는 해외로 파병되었고, 종전 후 한시라도 빨리 귀향하려고 했으나 무슨 착오가 있었는지 옥스퍼드로 파견된다. 개츠비가 돌아오지 않아 초조해하던 데이지는 한시바삐 생활이 안정되기를 바라는 마음에 시카고 출신의 부호와 결혼하는데.
32. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter : Oprah's Book Club
With the publication of her first novel, THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER, Carson McCullers, all of twenty-three, became a literary sensation. With its profound sense of moral isolation and its compassionate glimpses into its characters' inner lives, the novel is considered McCullers' finest work, an enduring masterpiece first published by Houghton Mifflin in 1940. At its center is the deaf-mute John Singer, who becomes the confidant for various types of misfits in a Georgia mill town during the 1930s. Each one yearns for escape from small town life. When Singer's mute companion goes insane, Singer moves into the Kelly house, where Mick Kelly, the book's heroine (and loosely based on McCullers), finds solace in her music. Wonderfully attuned to the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition, and with a deft sense for racial tensions in the South, McCullers spins a haunting, unforgettable story that gives voice to the rejected, the forgotten, and the mistreated -- and, through Mick Kelly, gives voice to the quiet, intensely personal search for beauty. Richard Wright praised Carson McCullers for her ability "to rise above the pressures of her environment and embrace white and black humanity in one sweep of apprehension and tenderness." She writes "with a sweep and certainty that are overwhelming," said the NEW YORK TIMES. McCullers became an overnight literary sensation, but her novel has endured, just as timely and powerful today as when it was first published. THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER is Carson McCullers at her most compassionate, endearing best. |
배경은 남부의 작은 마을, 버림받은 상처로 목소리를 잃어버린 어린 소녀 Mick Kelly의 이야기를 그리고 있는 책. 폭력과 부패, 타락 속에서의 외로움, 그리고 아름다움을 찾아가는 쓸쓸한 여정을 잘 그려내고 있다. 23세에 처음 발표하여 일약 센세이션을 일으켰던 작가 Carson McCullers의 작품으로, 최근 새롭게 오프라 북클럽 선정도서가 되어 다시 주목을 받고 있다. |
33. The Day of the Locust
Novel by Nathanael West about the savagery lurking beneath the Hollywood dream. Published in 1939, it is one of the most striking examples of the "Hollywood novel" in American fiction. Tod Hackett, a set designer, becomes involved in the lives of several individuals who have been warped by their proximity to the artificial world of Hollywood. Hackett's completion of his painting "The Burning of Los Angeles" coincides with the explosion of the other characters' unfulfilled dreams in a conflagration of riot and murder. |
34. The Death of the Heart
Elizabeth Bowen is widely considered to be one of the greatest novelists of this century. While her novels masquerade as witty comedies of manners, set in the lavish country houses of the Anglo-Irish or in elegant London homes, they mine the depths of private tragedy with a subtle ferocity and psychological complexity reminiscent of Henry James.
The Death of the Heart, a story of adolescent love and the betrayal of innocence, is perhaps Bowen's best-known book. When sixteen-year-old Portia, recently orphaned, arrives in London and falls for an attractive cad -- a seemingly carefree young man who is as much an outsider in the sophisticated and politely treacherous world of 1930s drawing rooms as she is -- their collision threatens to shatter the carefully built illusions of everyone around them. As she deftly and delicately exposes the cruelty that lurks behind the polished surfaces of conventional society, Bowen reveals herself as a masterful novelist who combines a sharp sense of humor with a devastating gift for divining human motivations.
35. The French Lieutenant's Woman
As part of Back Bay's ongoing effort to make the works of John Fowles available in uniform trade paperback editions, two major works in the Fowles canon are reissued to coincide with the publication of Wormholes, the author's long-awaited new collection of essays and occasional writings.
Perhaps the most beloved of Fowles's internationally bestselling works, The French Lieutenant's Woman is a feat of seductive storytelling that effectively invents anew the Victorian novel. "Filled with enchanting mysteries and magically erotic possibilities" (New York Times), the novel inspired the hugely successful 1981 film starring Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons and is today universally regarded as a modern classic.
In A Maggot, originally published in 1985, Fowles reaches back to the eighteenth century to offer readers a glimpse into the future. Time magazine called the result "hypnotic....A remarkable achievement. Part detective story, part crackling courtroom drama....An immensely rich and readable novel".