How can you tell the legend from the fact on these worlds that lie so many years away?—planets without names, called by their people simply The World, planets without history, where the past is the matter of myth, and a returning explorer finds his own doings of a few years back have become the gestures of a god. Unreason darkens that gap of time bridged by our lightspeed ships, and in the darkness uncertainty and disproportion grow like weeds. - P1

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아늑하고 평온하다
창 안에서 밖을 볼 때
험상궂은 날씨로
평온할 수 없을 텐데
이렇게 다르다
창 안과 창밖은
하루하루는 험난하다
일상의 한순간에라도
공간의 한구석에라도
창밖을 내다볼 수 있기를
아늑하고 평온하게
창 안처럼
그런 창문이고 싶다
어느 비오는 날 기차 안에서

- <피벗의 시대 2025년 경제전망>, 김광석 - 밀리의 서재 - P5

그러다 한계점 이상의 힘을 받으면 결국 부러지고 만다. 부러지면 원래 상태로 돌아갈 수 없다. 그 한계점을 물리학에서는 항복점이라고 한다 - <피벗의 시대 2025년 경제전망>, 김광석 - 밀리의 서재 - P7

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"Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings," said LeGuin. It’s the hardest and the best work we could ever do. Now, everything depends on it. - P136

This book was written for something—for the encouragement of activists who share some of my dreams and values. We are all activists in some way or another, because our actions (and inac-
tions) have impact. And it was written against something—a defeatist, dismissive frame of mind that is far too widespread. We talk about politics as though they were a purely rational exercise in the world of deeds and powers, but how we view that world and act in it has its roots in identities and emotions. There is, in other words, an inner life to politics, and I wanted to get at it, to plant and to weed there. - P137

I went on the road from 2003 onward, talking about hope, change, civil society movements, and the power of stories. - P137

It was striking that the people with the most at stake were often the most hopeful. - P138

Yet the range of the hopeful extends beyond that, and you can find hope in surprising corners. - P138

I believe that you can talk about both the terrible things we should engage with and the losses behind us, as well as the wins and achievements that give us the confidence to endeavor to keep pursuing the possibilities. I write to give aid and comfort to people who feel overwhelmed by the defeatist perspective, to encourage people to stand up and participate, to look forward at what we can do and back at what we have done. This book was always for them. And if you’ve read this far, for you. - P142

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It made me think of a remarkable statement by the great feminist fantasy writer Ursula K. LeGuin a few weeks earlier.
In the course of an awards speech she noted, "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."
(126p. Ursula K. LeGuin) - P126

"Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart," - P131

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The dead must be remembered, but the living are the monument, the living who coexist in peace in ordinary times and who save one another in extraordinary times. Civil society triumphed that morning in full glory. Look at it: remember that this is who we were and can be. - P125

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