She was a little bird-boned woman, queerly shaped now, with her swollen abdomen and limbs and her breasts shrunk to tiny pouches with dried-currant nipples. - P35

Sick people grew to resent well people, and sometimes that was true of husbands and wives, or even of mothers and their children. - P36

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Enid’s mother called "potato Irish." But behind Rupert’s good-humored expression there was wariness and withholding. - P32

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Cece, who was the quietest of the three—as Jimmy was the politest and Bud the mouthiest—was the one who turned everything around. "Your fly’s undone," he said. Then they all whooped and ran away. - P29

THEIR elation did not vanish right away. But it was not something that could be shared or spoken about: they had to pull apart. - P29

"The word was not in his vocabulary," said Mrs. Willens. - P30

By that time nobody thought of what it referred to. - P30

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The forsythia shook, not with the wind, and out came a stooped brown figure. - P22

What they had been gawking at was not the forsythia but the whole scene—the house looking just as usual, the sign by the office door, the curtains letting light in. Nothing hollow or ominous, nothing that said that Mr. Willens was not inside and that his car was not in the garage behind his office but in Jutland Pond. And Mrs. Willens out working in her yard, where anybody would expect her to be—everybody in town said so—the minute the snow was melted. - P23

Her obligingness turned from meek to pert. - P26

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그러니까 저 나무들이었습니다. 아니, 바로 저 나무들은 아니었지만 이른 봄의 저 연둣빛이었습니다. 아이를 낳고 아팠던 여자가 산월이 돌아오면 다시 그 자리가 아픈 것처럼, 저 나무들이 다시 두려워 시선을 뗄 수 없었습니다. 바라보는 것 말고 할 수 있는 일이 없었습니다.

-알라딘 eBook <노랑무늬 영원> (한강 지음) 중에서 - P163

당신과 함께 걸을 때면 나는 늘 조마조마했습니다. 당신이 못이나 압정을 밟을까 봐. 풀에 베일까 봐. 골목에서 아이들이 차는 공에 맞아 멍이 들까 봐. 당신의 피는 좀처럼 응고되지 않아서 코피만 흘려도 수혈을 받아야 한다고 했지요. 마치 땅이 다칠 것을 염려하는 듯 부드럽다고 생각했던 당신의 걸음걸이가, 어렸을 때부터 모든 것을 조심하며 살아왔기 때문에 생긴 습관들 중 하나라는 것을 그때쯤 나는 알고 있었습니다.

-알라딘 eBook <노랑무늬 영원> (한강 지음) 중에서 - P164

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