The sleepy palace in the desert suddenly turned into a hive of activity. - P138

As the prince carefully felt her face, the princess closed her eyes and remained still. The touch of this stranger’s fingertips on her face made her feel shy and ticklish; it also felt good, somehow. The feeling of doing something forbidden disconcerted her and scared her a little, but it was also pleasurable and secretly thrilling. She could feel herself blushing a little more each time the prince’s fingertips caressed her face. - P139

"The master of the golden ship cursed my whole family. As long as my father’s blood rules the sands, no one will be safe, he said." - P139

Contrary to the princess’s expectations, the master looked like an ordinary man. He wore no golden armor, his face was not made of gears, and his body was not of sand. His skin was copper-colored, his hair seemed to have faded in the sun and wind, and only his eyes flamed a bright gold. As the prince had mentioned, the master of the golden ship had no left arm, and the empty, pale sleeve of his sun-faded shirt fluttered with every breeze. - P142

"They were cursed because they started the war. The air from the horizon to the sun and moon is a place man may not rule. My ship has sailed peacefully in that air since the dawn of time. It was the king of the desert, blinded by his greed for gold, who first drew his weapons." The voice of the master of the golden ship was calm. "Those who stare for too long at the sun are bound to go blind. The king of the desert made the foolish choice to brandish his sword at the sun. And his progeny will pay for his sins." - P143

"The true nature of man is different from what the princess understands. Even when the curse is lifted, the princess shall not wed the prince." - P143

It was a large, bulky object protruding from beneath the sand. - P144

"When the rains fall on the desert, release a blind fish into the sea." The princess came to her senses. - P145

The fish swung its tail widely. It launched itself from the sands into the cold night sky. The moment it leaped for the sprinkling of stars against deep indigo, the princess heard a sound as if the night sky, clear as glass, was shattering. Rain began to fall. Water poured from the cracks in the sky. - P146

He was expressionless. The light that had found its way into his eyes was cold and lifeless. This strange man staring down at her and cruelly ordering her death was not the same prince who had shed tears on her shoulder. - P147

"One can break the curse, but it is impossible to cure their blindness from greed. They were always ready to wage another war." - P148

"Rule the winds and sands with me, sail above the horizon of time. Until the day the sun and moon shatter and disappear, everything the stars and clouds can reach in this endless realm, it shall all belong to you." - P149

"I wish to live as a mortal," she finally answered. "I wish to meet a man who is like me, who will cherish and love me as I do him, to have children, to see them grow up and find their own mates and have their own children … That is the life I wish for." - P149

The princess nodded. "I know. But I will live life fully until my very moment of death." - P149

This love story is for you. No one asked us, when we weren’t famous
Whether we wanted to live or not I expected so many things But didn’t know what I wanted … - P150

Mulled wine is a European winter drink made of red wine that’s simmered for a long time with spices like cinnamon and cloves. The alcohol evaporates somewhat in the heat, but it’s not entirely boiled away so there’s just enough left over to get drunk on. Which was why sipping this hot beverage in freezing cold weather was making my head spin a little. - P150

My life was making me anxious. I wanted to escape from it, for just a little while at least. - P150

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아이는 생존을 위해 자신을 둘러싼 환경을 자기 나름대로 파악한다. 어린아이의 지각에는 한계가 있는 것처럼 보이지만 자신에 대한 세상의 호의와 인간의 신뢰 여부를 아이는 어른보다 훨씬 빠르고 정확하게 이해한다.

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P227

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In order to survive, children come to their own understanding of their place in their world. It looks as if children are limited in what they are conscious of, but they comprehend very quickly the intention of adults and the trust given to them, better and more precisely than adults themselves do. - P137

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도살장에 끌려가는 어린 양

로알드 달, 1953

냉동된 새끼양 다리로 남편을 살해한 후 여자는 경찰들에게 그 양고기를 먹여서 ‘흉기’를 감쪽같이 처리하지. 달의 이 아이디어가 썩 그럴싸하다면서도, 램비에이스는 의문을 제기했어. 과연 전업주부가 작품에 묘사된 방식으로 양 다리를 훌륭하게 요리할 수 있겠냐고. 해동도 시즈닝도 마리네이드도 안 하고 말이다. 그래 갖고서야 어디는 타고 어디는 설익은 질긴 고기가 되지 않겠어? 요리는(범죄도) 내 알 바 아니지만, 그렇게 꼬치꼬치 따지고 들면 전체 이야기가 흐트러지지. 어쨌든 이런 의구심에도 불구하고 이 작품이 최종 목록에 선정된 이유가 있어. 내가 아는 어떤 여자애가 달의 작품 『제임스와 슈퍼 복숭아』를 아주 좋아했거든.

—A. J. F. - <섬에 있는 서점>, 개브리얼 제빈 - 밀리의 서재 - P11

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나의 성장기를 책으로 채워주신 부모님께,
그리고 어느 해인가 겨울
블라디미르 나보코프 단편집을
내게 준 남자아이에게.

- <섬에 있는 서점>, 개브리얼 제빈 - 밀리의 서재 - P6

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