I didn’t believe in any bright future for me. I didn’t know if I would even be able to make a living. Therefore, "a moment ago" was always the best moment, and the present was always better than the future. - P154

As much as I loved the place, life doesn’t give such opportunities so readily, and I couldn’t continue this state of hovering between reality and unreality forever. - P154

It wasn’t so much a fetish as it was an obsession. He had a fixed script for the whole thing from beginning to end. Only when he and the other person (me, in other words) followed this script precisely could he calm down. - P155

It took quite some time for me to understand the context. His apartment, to speak in Korean terms, was a "one-room." Small and narrow, but the ceiling very high, with a skylight through which you could see the stars. Gazing at my body and his own tied-up self reflected on the glass panes above us against the black night, he would murmur, "Beautiful." - P156

His Grandfather was taken up with other concerns. According to his grandson, the older man’s purpose in life could be summed up in one word: "survival." - P156

"I wonder why they can’t leave those terrible times behind. Whether in life or death." "Trauma. Probably." - P157

… If I could make a wish I want to be just a little happier
If I become too happy I will miss sadness - P157

Life I love life … I don’t know what I want but I still expect a lot - P158

Slowly, he whispered, "I feel like I’m being given permission to stay alive." His reply was somehow so heart-breaking that I tied him up with all my might. - P159

Once you experience a terrible trauma and understand the world from an extreme perspective, it is difficult to overcome this perspective. Because your very survival depends on it. - P161

My parents and their parents’ generations, after surviving the Korean War, had always, just like the generation that survived World War II, set their purpose not to live a human life but to have an animal’s instinct for survival. - P161

Life shrinks into a trap made up of a shimmering moment in the past, a trap where they endlessly repeat that singular moment when they were surest of being alive. That moment is short, but long after it has passed, good times as well as bad slip like sand through their fingers as they meaninglessly repeat and confirm their survival. - P162

There was nothing left for me to wait for. But there I remained, standing in his bathroom, waiting for someone to miraculously find me, to release me from my ties to this life. - P163

No one asked us, when we were still nameless
Whether we wanted to live or not Now I wander the big city alone Looking in doors and windows Waiting and waiting for something … - P163

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"모든 용기를 모아 온갖 두려움과 의심을 이겨내고 자기 마음의 지평에 떠오른 별을 따라가본 사람은, 그 이후에도 때때로 자신 위로 그 별이 떠오른다는 것을 알게 되리라 믿습니다." 자카리아스 하이에스의 묵상집 《별이 빛난다》의 구절도 내게는 큰 힘이 되었다. - <검찰의 심장부에서>, 한동수 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/b591196929d24e41 - P316

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안셀름 그륀의 《탐욕》에는 ‘겸손, 자유, 투명함, 신뢰’를 위한 첫 단계로 ‘탐욕을 고백하기’라는 방법이 제시되어 있다. 그날에는 대검 감찰부장실 캐비닛 안에 있는 감찰 정보와 그들이 어둠 속에서 은밀히 저질렀을 일들이 떠올랐다. - <검찰의 심장부에서>, 한동수 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/b591196929d24e41 - P314

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검찰은 육지로부터 멀리 떨어져 오랜 세월 육지와의 교류와 소통을 거부한 갈라파고스의 섬에 비유할 수 있다. - <검찰의 심장부에서>, 한동수 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/b591196929d24e41 - P311

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"저주는 풀 수 있으나 자신의 욕심에 스스로 눈먼 인간을 눈뜨게 할 방법은 없다. 저들이 언젠가는 다시 전쟁을 일으키려 할 것을 알고 있었다."

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P245

핫와인은 주로 적포도주에 계피나 정향 등의 향신료를 넣고 뭉근하게 오래 데워서 뜨겁게 마시는 유럽 특유의 겨울 음료다. 오래 데우면 알코올이 어느 정도 날아가지만 그래도 펄펄 끓이는 게 아니기 때문에 술기운이 남아 있다. 그래서 얼어붙을 듯 추운 날씨에 뜨거운 술을 들이켰더니 머리가 핑 도는 것 같았다.
-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P248

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