They made a horrible smell and the smell made her sick. That was the whole beginning of her being sick. That and the paint. - P61

That started her throwing up, leaning over and breathing in that paint. And the pains in her back—that was the start of them, too. - P61

"Oh, Mr. Willens, now, how much do I owe you for today?" - P61

And that was the signal for him to get her down and thump her like an old billy goat. - P62

Right on the bare floor to knock her up and down and try to bash her into pieces. Dingey on him like a blowtorch. - P62

They said his head got bunged up knocking against the steering wheel. They said he was alive when he went in the water. What a laugh. - P62

The smell rising from the body seemed to be changing, losing its ammoniac sharpness. Changing into the common odor of death. - P65

She had the body straightened out and cleaned and the bed put to rights before the doctor came. - P66

"July 10. Patient Mrs. Rupert (Jeanette) Quinn died today approx. 5 p.m. Heart failure due to uremia. (Glomerulonephritis.)" - P67

It was bewilderment that stopped him, not hostility. - P69

"All right," said Rupert, with the careful lack of surprise that country people will show, regarding the frivolity—the rudeness, even—of visitors. - P71

You cannot live in the world with such a burden. You will not be able to stand your life. - P72

She does not think anyone would get a death sentence for this sort of murder, which was in a way accidental, and was surely a crime of passion, but the shadow is there, to sober her when she feels that these pictures of devotion, of a bond that is like love but beyond love, are becoming indecent. - P73

"Lies" is the word that Enid can hear now, out of all the words that Mrs. Quinn said in that room. Lies. I bet it’s all lies. - P73

COULD a person make up something so detailed and diabolical? The answer is yes. - P73

Lies of that nature could be waiting around in the corners of a person’s mind, hanging like bats in the corners, waiting to take advantage of any kind of darkness. - P74

The biscuit-colored cone with its mound of vanilla ice cream squashed against the woman’s chest and the wrong end sticking into her father’s mouth. - P75

Through her silence, her collaboration in a silence, what benefits could bloom. For others, and for herself. - P75

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