"It was not a bolt out of the blue, of course," wrote Charter signatory and playwright Vaclav Havel long before he became president of a postcommunist Czechoslovakia, "but that impression is understandable, since the ferment that led to it took place in the ‘hidden sphere,’ in that semi-darkness where things are difficult to chart or analyze. The chances of predicting the appearance of the Charter were just as slight as the chances are now of predicting where it will lead." - P38

If atomic bombs are the worst invention of the twentieth century, this practice might be the best, as well as the antithesis of those bombs. - P39

The millennium was long anticipated as a moment of arrival, as the end of time, but it is instead a beginning of sorts, for something that is increasingly recognizable but yet unnamed, yet unrecognized, a new ground for hope. - P39

"Todo para todos, nada para nosotros" is one of their maxims—"Everything for everyone, nothing for ourselves," - P41

The Zapatista uprising was many kinds of revolution, was a green stone thrown in water whose ripples are still spreading outward, was a flower whose weightless seeds were taken up by the wind. - P45

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