This deeper framework for life came to me rather suddenly, as to many in those years, through the speaking and writing of Reinhold Niebuhr. Here was a searching realism that was willing to face all the ambiguity and squalor of any human social situation. At the same time, it was intensely moral, for it had a deep commitment to human good. - P72

"It may have been, as I recall Reinhold Niebuhr once saying somewhere, the goodness and rationality of men which made the rise of democracy in human affairs possible. - P128

I was continually reminded of Reinhold Niebuhr’s remark that religion is not the place where the problem of man’s egotism is automatically solved. Rather, it is there that the ultimate battle between human pride and God’s grace takes place. - P192

Injustice to other men, as Reinhold Niebuhr has said, is the social consequence of an inward idolatry, the worship of one’s own self or group. - P232

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