I failed my spirit or something. I missed some kind of call to be something more than a mediocre high school English teacher in a little dirt brown town.
(42p. Ch.10) - P42

About four in the morning she woke up for a few minutes and stared at me. I was crying and she just stared, she didn’t speak, then she took a couple of breaths and that was all. She was just gone. (44p. Ch.11) - P44

That was pretty fast thinking on your part. (52p. Ch.13) - P52

People are polite enough in public. Nobody wants to make a public fuss. (58p. Ch.16) - P58

The dog looked at the boy and they ran off again. It was getting hot now. Middle of July. The sky unclouded and the wheat in the fields alongside the road already cut, the stubble all neat sheared off square, in the next field the corn running in straight dark green rows. A bright hot summer’s day. (105p. Ch.24) - P105

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