The Testaments: A Novel (Hardcover) - '증언들' 원서/2019 부커상 수상작
Anonymous / Nan a Talese / 2019년 9월
평점 :

YA 독자를 위해 쓴건가.. 전편의 속편에 대한 기대로 독자를 끌었지만 그만큼 욕을 많이 먹을듯

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One person alone is not a full person: we exist in relation to others. I was one person: I risked becoming no person.

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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,and I took the one most travelled by. It was littered with corpses, as such roads are. But as you have noticed, my own corpse is not among them.

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Men! They never think of the half the people in the world they live in: women.

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these monks are not senile

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