The Lion and the Mouse (본교재 + QR코드 + Activity Book) - Beginner 1 Easy Story House
월드컴 편집부 엮음 / 월드컴 / 2008년 7월
평점 :

One day, A little mouse sees A sleeping lion. "Wow! It's so big!" says The little mouse.   long tail, strong body, hairy mane, long whiskers...... suddenly, The lion wakes up, and He catched the little mouse. "Please Let me go. I will help you someday." says the little mouse. The lion laughs at the little mouse. "What? you will help me? you look too small to help me," says the lion. But, the lion likes the brave little mouse. The little mouse Lets the mouse go.  

The next day, The lion walk in a forest. He steps right into the hunter's trap. He can't get out of it.The little mouse hears the lion's roar. The mouse hears The lion's roar and find him. The little mouse find him. "Wait! I will help you!" says the little mouse. The lion says, "You really help me! mouse. Thank you so much." after the Lion's rescue, the lion and the little mouse became good friends. 



<New Words> 

1.mane : 갈기.

2.rescue : 구하다. 


<My Think> 

My Think is This book is proud of the little mouse. This Because, in the beginning, The mouse says "I will help you someday." so, The mouse help the lion. So, We proud of the mouse!

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