Pico looks great (Paperback/ 영어 + 중국어)
북경과학기술출판사 / 2005년 9월
평점 :


Pico can't sleep tonight. He goes to the zoo tomorrow. Pico wants to say "Good-bye, Moon." And he wants to say "Hello, Sun." It;s morning. Now pico goes to the zoo. A lion sleeps under the tree. His hairy mane looks great. Pico wants to have the lion's mane. An elephant shoots cold water out of his trunk. Shooting water looks like fun. Pico wants to have the elephant's trunk. An eagle flies around in th big cage.Flying looks interesting. Pico wants to have the eagle's wings.  A dolphin plays in the big pool. Swimming looks terrific.Pico wants to have the dolphin's fins. Pico wants to have the giraffe's neck. OH, NO! What happened? Pico looks very strange. Pico's eyes open wide. The moon goes down. The sun comes up. Pico goes to the zoo today with Mom. "You look great, Pico." 




<New Words> 

mane : 갈기  

terrific :  훌륭한 

fin : 지느러미 

<my think> 

my think pico look amazing. because pico change lion, elephant, eagle,dolphin, giraffe.

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