Dinosaur World (Board Book, BOX) - An Introduction to dinosarus and Prehistoric life
Twist, Clint / Barrons Juveniles / 2005년 9월
평점 :


millions of years ago, there lived dinosaurs on earth. dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years. the earth was the dinosaur world. but today, they live only in movies and books, then shall we go visit these ancient friends? some dinosaurs walked on two legs. some dinosaurs walked on four legs. there were slow dinosaurs. and there were speedy ones. some were much bigger than an elephant. some were smaller than a man. some had horns on their heads. they could fight their enemies with their horns. some had plates or spikes on their backs. they used them as a shield. some ha thick, bumpy skin. they looked like they were wearing armor. some had flat mouths. they looked like like a duck's beak. some had very thick, hard heads. they looked like they were wearing helmets. some were meat eaters. some were plant eaters. a long time ago, dinosaurs died off and they left their fossils. we found out many things about dinosaurs by studying the fossils. but there are still lots of things we don't know. dinosaurs are still mysterious. 



<New Words> 

ancient : 고대의

enemy :  적

flat :  평평한

eater : ... 을 먹는 사람 



<my think> 

my think  is this book is fun and this book's content about dinosaur world. and many kind of dinosaurs are wonderful!!

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