As I Like It (Paperback) - A Story of Shakespeare and His Associates
Edna I. Shirley / Janus Pub Co / 1996년 7월
평점 :


welcome to the children's art gallery. today's theme is "I like it." we  hope you have a good time. i like mommy and daddy. i don't like strangers. i like birthday cake. i don't like scary snakes. i like christmas candles. i don't like bi needles. i like my friend elizabeth. i don't like math. i like snowy days. i don't like rainy days. i like smiling faces. i don't like frowning faces.  i like picnics. i don't like being sick. i like playing with friends. i don't like being alone.  i  like ice cream cones. i don't like vegetables. 





<New Words> 


theme :  테마

stranger :  낯선 사람

frown : 얼굴을 찡그림 


<my think> 

my think is in children's art gallery many kind of frame is very surprised. so wonderful. and this books is fun and easy to understand too. i'm very many read a books    

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