Let's Play (Hardcover)
Dijs, Carla / Childs Play Intl Ltd / 1995년 6월
평점 :


six animals get together. each of them comes from a different country. they want to be friends. "Let's play together." "Okay." "i know an interesting game." "what is it?" "sumo wrestling." "an interesting uniform!" "it looks exciting" "gee it is too small for me." "i know another gamem taekwondo." "wow!" "a nice uniform" "it looks great." "yaaaap!" "ouch! my foot." "i know another game, kung fu." "it looks like fun." "uh oh! i'm dizzy." "i know another game, football." "wow!" "a long ball, a big uniform!" "it looks exciting." "eek! my tail." "i know another game, cricket." "it looks interesting." "oops! my ball!" "i know another game hockey" "oh!" "a long stick." "it looks fast." "oh no! my stick!" "are there any easy games?" "well, how about hide - and - seek?" "that's a good idea. Let's play!" 



<New Words> 

dizzy : 어지러운 


<my think> 

my think is six animals are charlies. because in advance another animals said "we play hide - and - seek?"... and this book is be easy to understand and  this book is fun!

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