요즘 늘 듣고 또 듣는 음악.

케이트 울프의 <캐롤라이나 소나무숲>

가사를 가만히 듣노라면

마치 두보의 절구 <春望>의 첫 연을 

영어로 듣는 것 같다.

Just an old house with the roof fallin’ in

Standin’ on the edge of the field

Watching the crops grow like its always done before

Nobody lives here anymore

The sun’s going down on the Carolina pines

I’m a long way from home

I miss that love of mine broken windows empty doors

Nobody lives here anymore

Old memories come whistling like the wind

Through the walls and the cracked window panes

And the grass is growing high around the kitchen door

Nobody lives here anymore

Once there were children and a few hired hands

A hard working woman and a bone tired man

Now that old sun steals across a dusty floor

Nobody lives here anymore


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